The Juniors.

East Bay Rowing offers rowing for youth ages 13 and up. We have boats for novice through varsity level rowers. EBR competes in about 4 regional regattas each season (spring and fall). Our coxswain training gives kids the knowledge and confidence to lead a boat of their peers. See below for more information about on water rowing, indoor conditioning and coxing.

The EBR Handbook also provides a ton of information about rowing with EBR.

Interested in rowing or coxing in college? EBR alum have represented at the following colleges & universities: University of San Diego, William & Mary, Davidson, URI, LaFayette, Rochester, Arizona State, Hobart William Smith, St. Lawrence, WPI, Mt Holyoke, Ithaca, Columbia, Brown, Union, University of Tampa, Sacred Heart, Connecticut College, Simmons, University of Delaware, Assumption, Middlebury, Tulane, St. Andrews, Endicott, Holy Cross, Skidmore, University of Vermont  and MIT.

Reach out if you have questions about rowing/coxing in college. We are happy to connect you or answer any questions!

The Indoor Season.

In the winter EBR rowers head indoors to Cutler, our gym. With tons of ergs and loads of creative workouts, junior rowers get great cross training for our on water seasons. The erg is a fantastic machine that works every part of your body with no impact. We train from November through March. EBR’s Indoor facility is located at 84 Cutler Street Warren RI.

Registration is now closed.

The On Water Seasons.

SUMMER LEARN TO ROW: East Bay Rowing offers learn to row singles, learn to row team boats, and advanced team training. Our summer camps are  one week and your rower can progress from singles to team rowing if they sign up for multiple weeks. Rowers must be in grades 6-12 and pass a swim test to join the fun!

Register HERE!

HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITIVE TEAM:  Open to all rowers who are in high school! The Novice Team is for rowers who are racing in their first fall and/or spring season. The Varsity Team is for rowers who have completed a full year of racing.

The High School team is mix of supportive young men and women. This is a competitive racing team – rowers will participate in up to 3 races throughout the fall. Races will require travel and occur on the weekends. This program is treated as a highly committed and competitive program- like any high school program. Attendance at practices and regattas are required.

Register HERE!

MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM: Get on the water this spring and enjoy continuing with the basics of rowing. Sign up now to get on the water in a rowing shell.

Register is HERE!

The Coxswain.

Coxing is an exciting and crucial role in rowing team boats. Good coxswains combine elements of steering, race strategy, technical coaching, and motivation to help their crews reach their potential. Coxswains do not physically row the boat, but they contribute to its speed by providing leadership and direction to their rowers. It is important to recognize that coxswains are really part of the crew. To learn more about the role of a coxswain click on the pic OR email

Fall 2023 Junior Comp

What a great group of young adults! Check out the video to get a feel for the comp team.

We row and have fun too…

EBR Junior Comp team coxswain Priya & captain Caleb put this compilation of the 2023 fall and spring season together. You can clearly see these student athletes work hard and have some fun.  

Flashback Video- 2016

This video, made by now EBR Alum Elias, captures a fall season. Lots of rowing, smiles, some inside humor and hard work. Our junior team ROCKS!

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